Older-Younger Fuck

Photo of Older-Younger Fuck
Photo of Older-Younger Fuck

Daddies are proud when their boys turn up big and strong. But just because Jako is, in fact, a beefy big-dicked young man, it doesn't mean he can't still be bested by his much shorter but as big-dicked Daddy Ernesto. Further, theirs is a perfect show of how, no matter your size, one larger man can easily be controlled by another smaller male with more skill and experience. And since Daddy Ernesto is a man-fucking machine of a top who could plow dozens of dudes in a row, it's no contest that the younger but bigger boy Jako will still be Daddy's next fully fucked playtoy. This is a lesson in pure physics, physiques—and pleasure—no man should miss, bottom-wise!

Categories: Daddy Tops Younger
Details: May 20, 2024 23 min
Photo of Daddy Ernesto
Daddy Ernesto
Photo of Jako

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